Enjoy Music in a Different way!
Harmony Line
With our Harmony line, you'll get to enjoy a 10oz candle and our custom made key notes. Key Notes are our flameless alternative to our candles. With this purchase, you get a scented explosion experience of both worlds.
Natural Soy Blend Wax
Self Care
Scents can have a positive effect on your mood, stress reduction, and sleep enhancement. Lighting candles is a great way to show yourself LOVE.
Music Notes + Scent Notes = KEY NOTES
Key Notes are very much like candles when it comes to fragrance. They produce a delightful room filling aroma in a matter of minutes.
Mood Changer
Looking for a simple way to lift your mood? Try lighting a candle. Candles have a way of uplifting bad stressful days. Scents can be relaxing and improves the ability to focus.
TOP BUYER - Masi Preston
The scent of the candles radiate throughout my house giving it a fresh smell and sends positive vibes.
The Owner, I too LOVE our candles!!
Sometimes I light a candle to set my own ambiance. Other times I just want to smell something fantastic. I even light them and just watch them burn, that's calming to me. I am my biggest supporter. I'm constantly working on how to improve our candle business and we are excited to see it grow.
Ms. Leah M. always has encouraging words. So, about my launch party ........
I wanteded to congratulate you because you're so deserving. From your packaging gift bags, business card and candle scent description, everything was absolutely amazing.